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  • May I contact you directly to place an order?
    Yes, please call us directly at 1-800-228-5836. If in the event you do not reach us, please leave Andrew a message and we will be in touch with you right away.
  • Where does Earthworks Health ship to?
    We ship to all 50 states of the United States, however, customers from Alaska and Hawaii do not have the option to complete checkout and have orders shipped to them from the website. We ask any customers from Hawaii and Alaska to give us a call directly to complete their order. The number to call is toll-free: 1-800-228-5836. From there we can help you place an order over the phone. We do not ship internationally, so sorry for the inconvenience!
  • What are your hours of operation?
    We are open M-F 8am-12pm & 1pm-5pm CST. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday and major holidays Thanksgiving, Christmas, Labor Day, and Independence Day.
  • Where is Earthworks Health located?
    Earthworks Health is located in the great state of Nebraska! Earthworks Health 2100 N 13th ST Norfolk, NE 68701
  • How do I order online with you?
    To order online from us: 1. Please navigate to our shop page. 2. From our shop page you will see our full list of items for sale. 3. You may click on whatever item you wish to read further details from there. 4. When you decide you want to add that item to your cart, please hit the add to cart option. 5. After adding products to your cart, the cart will appear with your subtotal. 6. Select to view your cart by selecting the view cart option. 7. From there you may select the checkout option to complete your payment.
  • How long before I receive my order?
    Once you place an order with us either online or over the phone we usually can get the order out the same day (if the order is placed before 12pm) or the next business day. Transit times are an average of 3-5 business days whether we ship with the USPS or FedEx. If placing an order online, be assured that we will upload tracking when we ship so you can keep track of it. The same goes for over-the-phone orders as long as you provide us with an email.
  • Can I and how can I return an order?
    Yes, we accept returns within 30 days of the purchase. If for some reason we messed up your order we will send you a paid return label with either USPS or FedEx for you to return back to us for a refund. If this is just something you want to return because you decided you don't want it, that would be on you to return to us for a refund. We ask that you contact us or email us to request a return and to start the process. Our email is and our toll-free number is 1-800-228-5836. Our return address for USPS is: Earthworks Health PO BOX 1562 Norfolk, NE 68701 For Fedex or UPS: Earthworks Health 2100 N 13th ST Norfolk, NE 68701
  • What makes Diatomaceous Earth from Earthworks Health special compared to other companies?
    Earthworks Health is one of the only FDA-compliant distributors of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and EPA-compliant distributors of Crawling Insect Control Diatomaceous Earth. We take safety and quality very seriously. We do not rely on machines to do the work as other companies do. We hand package every single size we offer in our shop. We do not want to use filling machines that may expose the product to plastics, lubricants, metals, or foreign particles. We also do not use packaging that exposes the product to moisture or outside air like paper bags used by other companies. We use a BPA-free plastic to form an air-tight seal around the packaged product. When you purchase from Earthworks Health be assured that the product you receive will be fresh and not exposed to foreign material, moisture, or open air.
  • What Types of Diatomaceous Earth are There?
    Diatomaceous Earth comes in 3 types found on the market. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is a type of diatomaceous earth that is safe for ingestion and is used for cosmetics and other personal uses for pets and humans. Food Grade diatomaceous earth is offered by us in a variety of sizes. Crawling Insect Control Diatomaceous Earth emulates the composition of the Food grade but is labeled specifically as a legal pesticide by the EPA. This type is legally used only for insect control safely and organically. We do offer Crawling Insect Control Diatomaceous Earth in 5lb and 50lb sizes and also within bundle packages. Filter grade or Pool grade Diatomaceous Earth is used for filtration purposes mostly and in industrial settings. This type of diatomaceous earth is not to be ingested or used for insect control as it can be toxic because of the high amount of crystalline silica (quartz) found within it. We have a great blog post from our learning center found here: Types of Diatomaceous Earth and Their Uses
  • What is the difference between Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Crawling Insect Control Diatomaceous Earth?
    Both products are compositionally the same but differ in the way they are labeled and registered with the US government. Food grade is governed by the FDA where as the Crawling Insect Control is regulated by the EPA.
  • What is the Composition of Your Diatomaceous Earth?
    We give full transparency into what is in Diatomaceous Earth. Please see below for the Certificate of Analysis and Safety Data Sheet of the Food Grade product. These documents give a complete breakdown of what's in it and safety information.
  • What types of Diatomaceous Earth does Earthworks Health sell?
    Earthworks Health is an authorized and long-time distributor of food-grade diatomaceous earth and crawling insect control diatomaceous earth. We only sell two types, food grade and crawling insect control.
  • Why is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth so Popular?
    Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is popular based on the myriad of uses and benefits it has from personal use to reducing pesticide use, to how it can be used in the garden so well. Food grade diatomaceous is one of those products that has a huge amount of uses and replaces so many things in the house. We have a very comprehensive blog post in our learning center regarding why food grade is so popular and also our post on what exactly diatomaceous earth is! Why is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth so Popular? What is Diatomaceous Earth?
  • Do you offer other Diatomaceous Earth products?
    We sure do! We a have spent years developing products that incorporate diatomaceous earth within them. Most of these products are geared towards skin care and also pet ingestion. Take a good look at our shop page to find these items.
  • What insects does Diatomaceous Earth kill?
    Diatomaceous Earth is effective at killing any insect that crawls. If an insect flys, it will not be the most effective compared to crawling insects. We have an excellent blog post regarding what insects diatomaceous earth is most effective against titled: What bugs does Diatomaceous Earth kill?
  • Where can Diatomaceous Earth be applied for insect control?
    Diatomaceous Earth can be applied in any area whether indoors or outdoors as long as the area is dry. Diatomaceous earth is frequently used in homes, outdoors like your yard, farms, gardens, and even on pets themselves to treat certain infestations. Here is a page dedicated solely for insect control with diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous Earth for Insect Control
  • Does Diatomaceous Earth kill Spiders?
    Yes and no. Arachnids are not soft-bodied crawling insects. They are a completely different species. Some spiders do not have the defenses that other larger spiders have to help crawl through the powder without being harmed. However, spiders HATE the powder and it will help to repel them. Every spring I start applying right up next to the foundation of my home to help keep them from entering my home and forming homes around the foundation. I do this until early fall. Here is a page and a blog post dedicated to diatomaceous earth and spiders: Diatomaceous Earth for Spiders Diatomaceous Earth: Natural Spider Control Diatomaceous Earth for Brown Recluse Spiders
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth for insect control?
    The short answer is applying in an even, visible, and light fashion in locations prone to insects. Many application methods go in between a dry or wet application. Depending on the insect and area you are applying, the application can be slightly different but always follows keeping it dry, visible, and fresh. For more specific information on application methods please navigate to our learning center or our how to use diatomaceous earth for pests page.
  • How Long Does Diatomaceous Earth Take to Kill an Insect?
    Once an insect come into contact with Diatomaceous Earth (walks or crawls through it) it takes as little as 30 mins up to 72 hours for an insect to die. Diatomaceous Earth polishes away at the exoskeleton of the insect and will suck the body fluids from it, effectively killing it in a mechanical way rather than a chemical way. Check out this blog post on the subject: How Long Does Diatomaceous Earth Take to Work?
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth for Ticks?
    Ticks are such a nuisance and can carry disease. Let diatomaceous earth help relieve some of the population this summer. Check out our page dedicated for ticks: Diatomaceous Earth for Ticks
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth to kill Ants?
    Certain insects require specific steps to ensure a proper kill and treatment. We highly suggest the following steps found at our Diatomaceous Earth for Ants page. It all comes down to ensuring the product stays dry, applying to the right locations, the frequency of application, and cleaning properly. We also have some great blog posts in our learning center about ants here: Does Diatomaceous Earth Repel Ants? Diatomaceous Earth for Carpenter Ants Diatomaceous Earth for Fire Ants
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth to kill Cockroaches?
    Certain insects require specific steps to ensure a proper kill and treatment. We highly suggest the following steps found at our Diatomaceous Earth for Roaches page. It all comes down to ensuring the product stays dry, applying to the right locations, the frequency of application, and cleaning properly.
  • How Long Does Diatomaceous Earth Stay Active?
    Diatomaceous Earth remains effective for insects as long as the product is dry. Our rule of thumb is if the application is dry and is visible, it will still be effective at killing insects. If it does get wet and washed away or if the application is not visible anymore, its time to reapply it.
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth to kill Fleas?
    Certain insects require specific steps to ensure a proper kill and treatment. We highly suggest the following steps found on our Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas page. It all comes down to ensuring the product stays dry, applying to the right locations, the frequency of application, and cleaning properly. Here are some more specific pages dedicated to killing fleas that many people find informative: Diatomaceous Earth Over Flea Bombs for Flea Control Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas on Dogs Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas on Cats How to Eliminate Fleas in Your Home Naturally
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth to kill Bed Bugs?
    Certain insects require specific steps to ensure a proper kill and treatment. We highly suggest the following steps found at our Diatomaceous Earth for Bed Bugs page. It all comes down to ensuring the product stays dry, applying to the right locations, the frequency of application, and cleaning properly.
  • How do I apply Diatomaceous Earth to kill Mites?
    Whether it's mites on you, your pets, your bee hive, or your plants, Diatomaceous Earth is super effective and will help to resolve the problem. We have some good tips and strategies to help you here: Diatomaceous Earth for Mites Diatomaceous Earth for Dust Mites Diatomaceous Earth for Bee Mites Diatomaceous Earth for Spider Mites Diatomaceous Earth for No-See-Ums
  • Can I use Diatomaceous Earth to treat Lice?
    Yes, Diatomaceous earth is the perfect alternative to using chemical pesticides and can even be used in conjunction with treatments like NIX and other brands found at big box stores. We have detailed steps on how to use diatomaceous earth to treat lice found at our page: Diatomaceous Earth for Lice
  • How Does Diatomaceous Earth Work to Kill Insects
    Diatomaceous Earth is nothing more than the fossilized remains of single-celled plants called diatoms. So there are no chemicals within this product. The diatoms are natural and are ground down to a powder. This powder is like a minefield to insects on a microscopic level. When an insect crawls or walks through the applied powder, it gets stuck on the exoskeleton of the insect. Once the insect moves after the fact, the product will start to polish away at the exoskeleton of the insect. Once broken through, it starts to suck the body fluids from the insect, killing it via dehydration. The perfect alternative to using chemical pesticides.
  • What animals or pets can use Diatomaceous Earth?
    Any mammal can use diatomaceous earth earth safely for ingestion and also topically for insect control. Reptiles are not too fond of the product as it has a drying effect that does not agree with them However, it can still be used to control insects around them. Below we have a lengthy list of blog posts from the learning center geared specifically toward certain animals: Diatomaceous Earth for Pet Birds Diatomaceous Earth for Ferrets How to Use Diatomaceous Earth in Bird Feeders Diatomaceous Earth for Rabbits Diatomaceous Earth for Sheep Diatomaceous Earth for Cattle Diatomaceous Earth for Pigs Diatomaceous Earth for Horses Diatomaceous Earth Benefits for Dogs Diatomaceous Earth for Chickens Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Dogs? Diatomaceous Earth in Cat Litter
  • Can I put Diatomaceous Earth on food for my pets & livestock?
    Very much so! It is known to be very beneficial for your animals' digestive tract and energy levels. For pets here is a feeding chart based on weight: Cats Young /Adult Cats - 1 teaspoon per day Kittens that are eating hard food - 1/4 teaspoon per day Dogs Dogs 100 lbs. + 1-2 tablespoons per day Dogs 50-100 lbs. 1 tablespoon per day Dogs 10-50 lbs. 1 teaspoon per day Mini dogs 1-10 lbs. 1/2 teaspoon per day Livestock Benefits That Have Been Observed ​ Stimulates Basic Metabolism Reduces Desire to Lick Soil Reduces Odor and Moisture in Barns and Stalls Better Coat and Hoof Condition Reduces Annual Veterinary Bills Reduces Stress in the Animal ​ For large animals, Diatomaceous Earth may be offered as a “FREE CHOICE” as long as the dispenser is well protected from the wind. Your livestock will also gain benefits from the many trace minerals naturally provided by our Freshwater Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and DE helps reduce animal excrement odors that draw flies. ​ ​ Suggested feeding rates for large animals when diatomaceous earth is mixed with their feed ​ Beef Cattle or Dairy Cattle – 1% of total weight of dry ration or 1 oz. per day Calves – 4 grams in morning milk per calf or 2 oz. per day in feed Chickens – 2% in feed, use at full strength in dusting boxes Hogs – 2% of total feed ration, dust or spray on bedding and animals Horses – 5 oz. (1 cup) in daily feed ration Sheep – 1% in ground grains 1 part Diatomaceous Earth to 2 parts T-M salt Goats – 1% in grain, 1/2 oz. per day, up to 50% in T-M salt Here is a blog post we have in the learning center about diatomaceous earth and livestock and also a page dedicated specifically for pets and livestock: Diatomaceous Earth for Pets & Livestock Diatomaceous Earth in Natural Livestock Management
  • Can I apply Diatomaceous Earth directly onto pets and livestock to control insects?
    Yes, diatomaceous earth can be safely applied to pets and livestock to help eliminate ticks, fleas, mites, lice, and other insects. We ask that you follow the directions we give on how to apply. We have helped thousands of pet owners and livestock owners get rid of different insect infestations on their animals.
  • Is Diatomaceous Earth safe for puppies & kittens?
    Diatomaceous Earth is safe even for the little pets in our lives. For application needs to combat fleas and other infestations we ask that you follow the application guidelines we have laid out and not to overuse. We ask that these little ones eat hard food before you start them on the diatomaceous earth. Take a quick look at these application guides for cats & dogs for fleas and also our dedicated pets & livestock page for feeding directions: Diatomaceous Earth for Pets & Livestock Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas on Cats Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas on Dogs
  • What are some Products Offered by Earthworks Health that are geared toward skin health?
    We have the most diverse line of diatomaceous earth products geared toward the skin and cosmetics. Check out our post on the subject! Skin Care Products With Diatomaceous Earth
  • What Products can Diatomaceous Earth be Used in For Skin & Hair Benefits?
    Diatomaceous Earth is super versatile and can used in a variety of skin products and cosmetic products. We have developed and sourced quite a few revolutionary and new products into the Diatomaceous Earth Market. Anything from Bath Bombs, Hand Soap, Bar Soap, and Deodorant, to Shampoo is offered here at Earthworks Health. We believe we are the leader in new product development with Diatomaceous Earth in the US market. Check out our skin and cosmetic products at our shop page! We also have a great blog article written in our learning center: Skin Care Products With Diatomaceous Earth
  • Are there Any Benefits from Diatomaceous Earth for Hair?
    The benefits for hair are staggering and we hear from customers all the time regarding shine, growth, fullness, and other benefits. Check this blog post out where we detail what diatomaceous earth does for hair: Diatomaceous Earth Benefits for Hair
  • Can you Make a Face Mask out of Diatomaceous Earth?
    Diatomaceous Earth has absorbent and exfoliation properties that make it a great addition to a face mask or used stand alone. We do sell a face mask powder we developed using our food grade diatomaceous earth and that can be found here: We also have written a great blog post in our learning center on how to make a face mask yourself at home: DIY Diatomaceous Earth Face Mask
  • Can Humans Take Diatomaceous Earth?
    If ingested, Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth will not hurt you. There is a staggering amount of information regarding ingestion of the product and its benefits for humans. As a company we cannot legally recommend you ingest it because the product is not FDA approved as a supplement or drug. But we have some information for people to read to start the research process. Check out this blog post we wrote in our learning center about the subject: Diatomaceous Earth for Human Use
  • Is it Possible to Help Winterize My Home with Diatomaceous Earth?
    Winter brings its challenges—cold drafts, moisture buildup, and the occasional unwelcome pest seeking warmth inside your home. Diatomaceous Earth (DE), a natural, eco-friendly substance, can help you prepare your home for the cold months ahead. Its unique properties make it a versatile tool for tackling winter-specific issues, from pest prevention to moisture control. Here is our blog article about it from the learning center: Winterizing Your Home With Diatomaceous Earth
  • Can Diatomaceous Earth be Used to Replace Toxic Cleaning Products in My Home?
    In today’s quest for safer, more eco-friendly cleaning alternatives, diatomaceous earth (DE) has emerged as a powerful natural solution. Made from the fossilized remains of whats called diatoms, tiny aquatic organisms, DE is a versatile, non-toxic material that can tackle a variety of household cleaning tasks. Its unique properties make it an effective replacement not only for pest control and to get that pesky garden pest, but for many toxic chemical cleaners, offering a safer environment for your family and pets while contributing to a greener planet. Check out how to do it with this great article in our learning center: How Diatomaceous Earth Replaces Toxic Cleaners in Your Home
  • Can Diatomaceous Earth be Used to Absorb Spills on Surfaces?
    When it comes to cleaning up spills—whether they’re from oil, grease, wine, or water—reaching for a natural and effective solution is key. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a versatile, 100% natural product that can handle a variety of messes and is particularly effective for absorbing liquid spills on multiple surfaces. Check out this great blog post in our learning center: Diatomaceous Earth for Cleaning Spills
  • Can I Use Diatomaceous Earth When Building a Home?
    Building a home is a significant investment, and incorporating natural materials can enhance its durability, sustainability, and safety. One such material is diatomaceous earth (DE), a versatile and eco-friendly substance that offers benefits ranging from pest control to improving insulation and indoor air quality. Here is a great write up from our learning center about it: Using Diatomaceous Earth When Building a Home
  • Can I use Diatomaceous Earth With Emergency Preparedness Kit?
    Diatomaceous Earth is a natural substance that is a powerful yet often overlooked addition to any emergency preparedness kit. From protecting your food supply to improving hygiene and managing pests, DE’s versatility makes it an invaluable resource in crisis situations. Check out this awesome blog article from our learning center! Diatomaceous Earth in Emergency Preparedness Kits
  • Can I use Diatomaceous Earth for Food Storage?
    Yes! Diatomaceous Earth is the perfect addition to your food storage practice and is used widely in the prepping world to store larger amounts of rice and grains. It can be used to help preserve food and keep it dry and also help protect against insects that might want to spoil the food that is stored. Check out this great blog article we wrote in our learning center about it: Diatomaceous Earth for Food Storage
  • How Do I Use Diatomaceous Earth in the Kitchen?
    From cleaning, food storage, pest control, moisture control, to odor absorption, diatomaceous earth is the perfect addition for your kitchen needs. Check out this comprehensive write up from our learning center: Using Diatomaceous Earth in Your Kitchen
  • How do I Use Diatomaceous Earth in the Bathroom?
    The bathroom is a sanctuary for hygiene and relaxation, but it can also be a hotspot for moisture, grime, and pests. If you’re seeking an eco-friendly, natural, and versatile solution to keep your bathroom clean and safe, diatomaceous earth (DE) is a game-changer. Check out this article from our learning center: Using Diatomaceous Earth in the Bathroom
  • How Can Diatomaceous Earth Save Me Money?
    When it comes to saving money, many of us are on the lookout for versatile, cost-effective solutions. One product that often flies under the radar is diatomaceous earth (DE). This naturally occurring substance is a powerhouse in household, garden, and personal care applications, and its affordability and effectiveness can lead to significant savings over time. Here is an excellent blog post from the learning center about the subject: How Can Diatomaceous Earth Save You Money?
  • Can Diatomaceous Earth be Used to Polish Silver?
    Diatomaceous is just abrasive enough to help remove the tarnish from real silver items like silverware and decor. Check out this excellent blog post in our learning center about how to use diatomaceous earth to polish silver and remove tarnish: Diatomaceous Earth for Tarnished Silver
  • Will Diatomaceous Earth be Effective Against Dust Mites?
    Dust mites are a nuisance and give you bites and also make the air quality poor in your home. Here is an article from our learning center explaining how to use diatomaceous earth for dust mites! Diatomaceous Earth for Dust Mites
  • Will Diatomaceous Earth Kill Mice in My House or Barn?
    Diatomaceous Earth is not effective at killing rodents of any kind. Diatomaceous Earth will kill the mites and insects on them however, but not the mouse or rat itself.
  • Can I use Diatomaceous Earth in Arts & Crafts?
    Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is best known for its household and gardening applications, but its unique properties also make it an exciting medium for art and craft projects. With its fine, powdery texture and natural composition, DE offers a range of possibilities for crafters looking to explore new techniques. Check out this blog post from our learning center to find out more! Diatomaceous Earth in Arts & Crafts
  • Is There Anything Fun I Can Do With Diatomaceous Earth and My Kids?
    Diatomaceous earth (DE) isn’t just a useful household item—it can also be the star of a creative and educational DIY project for kids. A dinosaur dig kit is a hands-on way to spark curiosity about paleontology and science, and with DE, you can craft a safe and natural version right at home. This step-by-step guide found in our learning center will show you how to create a fun, memorable activity that kids will love. Dinosaur Dig Kit For Kids Using Diatomaceous Earth
  • What are Some Conventional and Unconventional Uses for Diatomaceous Earth in the Home?
    The uses of diatomaceous earth are staggering and there is even more you may not have heard of. Check out our blog post from the learning center and also our dedicated page on household uses! 12 Unconventional Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous Earth Household Uses
  • Can I Use Diatomaceous Earth on My Houseplants?
    Yes! Diatomaceous Earth is super effective against fungus gnats and can help enhance the soil your plants are potted in. Here is a great article from our learning center! Diatomaceous Earth for Houseplants
  • Are There Any Science Experiments I Can Do at Home With Diatomaceou Earth?
    Diatomaceous earth (DE) is more than just a natural pest control tool or household aid; it’s a fascinating substance with unique properties that make it perfect for science experiments. Composed of the fossilized remains of diatoms, tiny aquatic organisms, DE has properties that are intriguing for scientists and curious minds alike. Whether you're a teacher, a parent, or a DIY science enthusiast, these five experiments will bring science to life using this versatile material. 5 Creative Science Experiments You Can Do With Diatomaceous Earth
  • Are my Veggies and Fruits Safe to Eat After Using Diatomaceous Earth on Them?
    Yes, Diatomaceous Earth contains no chemicals and is easily washed off in the sink before you slice and dice your favorite fruits and vegetables.
  • Can I use Diatomaceous Earth on My Fruit Trees?
    Yes! Diatomaceous Earth can be applied directly to the trees and around the base of the tree to help protect against insect infestations. Find out with this article from our learning center! Diatomaceous Earth for Apple Trees Diatomaceous Earth for Fruit Trees Diatomaceous Earth for the Emerald Ash Borer
  • Does Diatomaceous Earth Work Well for a Lawn?
    100% Yes! Chiggers, Ticks, Fleas can all populate your lawn and make it very irritating for pets and children and your bon fire night. As for application, we have a great article from our learning center below! How to Spread Diatomaceous Earth on a Lawn Diatomaceous Earth for Chiggers Diatomaceous Earth for Ticks
  • Can Diatomaceous Earth Maximize my Root Vegetable Harvest?
    Yes, using diatomaceous earth in the soil and on the plants themselves can help deter insects and help provide the right soil conditions for plants like potatoes and carrots to grow well. Here how it works... Maximizing Your Garden with Diatomaceous Earth for Root Vegetables
  • Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Plants?
    Diatomaceous Earth is 100% non-toxic to plants and will not effect growth or photosynthesis! Here is a great article about it from our learning center! Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Plants?
  • Can I Use Diatomaceous Earth in a Greenhouse?
    Greenhouses provide an ideal environment for plants to thrive, but they also create the perfect conditions for pests to flourish. Many gardeners and growers seek organic, chemical-free solutions to maintain a healthy greenhouse, and one of the best natural and organic pest control remedies is diatomaceous earth (DE). This powerful, all-natural substance is an excellent tool for pest control without harming plants, beneficial insects, or the environment. Here is a great article from our learning center! Using Diatomaceous Earth in the Greenhouse
  • What Does Diatomaceous Earth Do For the Soil?
    Gardening enthusiasts are always on the lookout for natural and effective ways to improve their soil conditions. One such hidden gem in the world of soil amendments is food grade diatomaceous earth, or DE, sometimes called diatomite, or even "the dirt". Check out this great write-up about it in our learning center: What Does Diatomaceous Earth Do in Soil?
  • Can Diatomaceous Earth Do Anything for my Compost?
    Composting is an excellent way to recycle organic waste and enrich soil with nutrients, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Pests, excess moisture, and foul odors can sometimes turn your compost pile into more of a hassle than a help. One natural and effective way to enhance your composting process is by using diatomaceous earth (DE). This fine, powdery substance offers multiple benefits, making it a valuable addition to any composting routine. Using Diatomaceous Earth in Compost
  • Can I Use Diatomaceous Earth in My Vegetable Garden?
    You sure can and we highly recommend it for pest control and keeping the soil nourished! Check out this blog post from our learning center! Using Diatomaceous Earth in Vegetable Gardens
  • Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Bees?
    Yes and No. If you avoid application to the blooms of flowers and plants you limit the risk of it killing bees. We need bees for the world to survive. Rest assured that this product is also used to combat hive beetles and bee mites as well. Its used widely by bee keepers as an alternative to chemical pesticides. Learn about it from our learning center articles below! Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe for Bees? Diatomaceous Earth for Small Hive Beetles Diatomaceous Earth for Bee Mites
  • Whats the Best Way to Apply Diatomaceous Earth to Your Plants?
    Many of our customers and ourselves use diatomaceous earth on plants dry or we use a wet application. Both application methods are effective but you may be wondering about the wet application. Here are the directions! DIY Diatomaceous Earth Spray For Your Vegetable Garden
  • Can I use Diatomaceous Earth on a Raised Bed Garden?
    Raised beds offer improved drainage, better soil control, and easier pest management, making them a popular choice for gardeners. However, pests like aphids, slugs, beetles, and mites can still cause damage. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a natural, chemical-free solution to protect your raised bed plants while maintaining healthy soil. Check out this great article from our learning center! Using Diatomaceous Earth in Raised Beds
  • Is it ok to Use Diatomaceous Earth on a Herb Garden?
    It certainly is and can really help protect your precious herbs from leaf-eating insects. Check out this great blog post in our learning center. Diatomaceous Earth for Herb Gardens
  • What Garden Plants is Diatomaceous Earth Good For?
    Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Can be effectively and safely applied to garden plants and any plant for that matter to help deter insect infestations. Learn about specific plants from our learning center articles below! Diatomaceous Earth for Carrots Diatomaceous Earth for Sunflowers Diatomaceous Earth for Lettuce Diatomaceous Earth for Pumpkins Diatomaceous Earth for Strawberries Diatomaceous Earth for Green Beans Diatomaceous Earth for Peppers Diatomaceous Earth for Tomatoes
  • Is Diatomaceous Earth safe for Cannabis?
    Growing cannabis can be a highly rewarding endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, including pest management. Pest infestations on cannabis plants can not only damage the plant structure but also reduce yield and quality. For cannabis growers, finding effective yet safe pest control methods is essential—particularly when cultivating for personal use or within organic standards. One solution that is gaining popularity is diatomaceous earth (DE), a natural, non-toxic method to help keep pests at bay. Here is the only article we know of about diatomaceous earth and cannabis found in our learning center! Diatomaceous Earth for Cannabis
  • What is the Best Pest Control Method I Can Use in the Garden with Diatomaceous Earth?
    Companion planting would be the most natural and Eco-friendly method to use alongside diatomaceous earth to help with insect infestations. Here is a great article found in our learning center! Companion Planting and Diatomaceous Earth
  • Can I Use Diatomaceous Earth on Flowers, Shrubs, and Bushes?
    Yes, even on edible flowers! Protection from insect infestations and enhancing soil are needed to grow beautiful blooms. Here are some great articles from our learning center about it! Diatomaceous Earth for Raspberries Diatomaceous Earth for Aloe Vera Diatomaceous Earth for Lavender Plants Diatomaceous Earth for Blueberry Bushes Diatomaceous Earth for Bulbs Diatomaceous Earth for Edible Flowers Diatomaceous Earth for Orchids Diatomaceous Earth for Peonies Diatomaceous Earth for Hydrangeas Diatomaceous Earth for Roses Diatomaceous Earth for Cactus Diatomaceous Earth for Succulents
  • What Insects is Diatomaceous Earth Good for in the Garden?
    Any crawling insect is no match for Diatomaceous Earth. Beetles, Aphids, Cabbage Worms, Spider Mites, etc. are effectively crushed when you apply this to your garden plants. Here is a list of blog posts we have done for specific insects in our learning center! Diatomaceous Earth for Caterpillars Diatomaceous Earth for Japanese Beetles Diatomaceous Earth for Cucumber Beetles Diatomaceous Earth for Cabbage Worms Diatomaceous Earth for Lygus Bugs Diatomaceous Earth for Spider Mites Diatomaceous Earth for Aphids Diatomaceous Earth for Ground Wasps Diatomaceous Earth for Squash Bugs Diatomaceous Earth for Grasshoppers Diatomaceous Earth for Stink Bugs Diatomaceous Earth for Asian Lady Beetles Diatomaceous Earth for Mealy Bugs Diatomaceous Earth for Scale Insects Diatomaceous Earth for White Flies Diatomaceous Earth for the Emerald Ash Borer Diatomaceous Earth for Root Aphids Diatomaceous Earth for Leaf Miners Diatomaceous Earth for Springtails Diatomaceous Earth for Earwigs
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