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Diatomaceous Earth For Fleas

adult flea

Welcome to Earthworks Health's comprehensive guide on using diatomaceous earth for natural flea control and flea prevention! If you've ever encountered adult fleas in your home or on your pets, you know just how frustrating and persistent they can be. But fear not, as we offer a simple, safe, and effective solution to this problem.


In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about fleas and how to manage infestations before they become a major issue. We'll start by helping you identify fleas and their infestations, followed by an explanation of what diatomaceous earth is and how it's used for flea control.


Next, we'll delve into the life cycle and behaviors of fleas, crucial knowledge for understanding how diatomaceous earth works against them. We'll then provide detailed instructions on how to apply diatomaceous earth to pets for flea control, and areas indoors and outdoors to apply to help control flea population.


Moving on, we'll discuss how to apply diatomaceous earth to the outside and inside of your home to combat fleas effectively. Finally, we'll address a common question: how long does it take for diatomaceous earth to kill a flea?


By the end of this guide, you'll have all the information you need to tackle fleas head-on with diatomaceous earth, making your home a more comfortable and pest-free environment for you and your pets. Let's get started!

Identifying Fleas and Their Infestations

flea in animal hair

Fleas are small, wingless insects that are typically brown or reddish-brown in color. They have flat bodies and are equipped with powerful hind legs that allow them to jump long distances. Fleas are often found on pets, particularly dogs and cats, but they can also infest other animals and even humans.


To determine if your pet has fleas, look for signs such as excessive scratching or biting, red or irritated skin, and small black or reddish-brown specks (flea dirt) in their fur. You may also notice flea bites on your own skin, which appear as small, red, itchy bumps.


A thorough inspection of your pet's fur and skin can help you determine if fleas are present. Part the fur and look for small, dark brown or black insects moving quickly. You may also see small, white eggs or larvae clinging to the fur. If you find any of these signs, it's important to take action immediately to prevent further infestation and flea reproduction.


In addition to checking your pet, you should also inspect your home for signs of fleas. Look for flea dirt, which appears as small, black or reddish-brown specks on carpets, rugs, and furniture. You may also see small, white flea eggs in these areas.


If you find signs of fleas in your home, it's important to take action quickly to prevent a full-blown infestation. Vacuuming regularly can help remove fleas, eggs, and larvae from carpets, rugs, and furniture. Washing bedding and pet toys in hot water can also help kill fleas and their eggs.


Identifying fleas and their infestations is the first step in controlling these pests. By inspecting your pet and your home regularly, you can catch fleas early and take action to prevent further infestation.

Understand the Flea Life Cycle & Behaviors

flea life cycle

Understanding the life cycle and behaviors of fleas is crucial to effectively controlling them. Fleas go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The entire life cycle can take as little as two weeks, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.


During the egg stage, female fleas lay eggs on their host, which then fall off into the environment. Flea eggs are small, white, and oval-shaped, and are typically found in areas where pets spend a lot of time, such as bedding and furniture.


The eggs hatch into larvae, which are small, worm-like creatures with no legs. Flea larvae feed on organic matter, such as flea dirt and other debris, in the environment. They then spin cocoons and enter the pupal stage, where they remain for several days to several weeks before emerging as adults.


Once they become adults, fleas seek out a host, such as a pet or human, to feed on. Female fleas require a blood meal to reproduce, and can lay up to 50 eggs per day. These eggs can hatch in as little as two days, leading to a rapid increase in flea numbers.


Fleas are highly mobile and can jump up to 150 times their own body length. This allows them to move easily between hosts and infest new areas rapidly. They are also capable of surviving for several months without a blood meal, making them extremely resilient pests.


Fleas are most active during the warm months of the year, but can survive indoors year-round. They are attracted to warmth and movement, which is why they are often found on pets.  In addition to being a nuisance to pets and humans, fleas can also transmit diseases such as tapeworms and Bartonella, a bacterial infection. It's important to take action to control fleas as soon as they are detected to prevent these health risks.  The journal for vector ecology has stated that, "Emerging infectious diseases caused by previously unknown pathogens, such as the flea-borne pathogen Rickettsia felis, have been associated with typhus and dengue-like illness in humans worldwide (Williams et al. 1992, Azad et al. 1997).


In conclusion, understanding the life cycle and behaviors of fleas is key to effectively controlling them. By taking action to eliminate fleas at all stages of their life cycle, you can prevent infestations and keep your home and pets healthy and comfortable.

What is Diatomaceous Earth and How is it Used for Flea Control?

Diatomaceous Earth in a Black Bowl with a spoon in it

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring, fine and powdery substance, made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. It is composed primarily of silica, a natural mineral that is highly effective at killing insects. When the sharp edges of diatomaceous earth (de) come into contact with fleas, it absorbs the oils and fats from their exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and die.  To know a whole lot more about diatomaceous earth, please visit our comprehensive page on it called, what is diatomaceous earth?


Unlike chemical insecticides, which can be harmful to humans and pets, diatomaceous earth is completely safe for use around pets and your children. It works by physical rather than chemical means, making it an ideal choice for flea control. To small insects like fleas, the diatomaceous earth is almost like shards of glass, getting stuck on the insect as it moves through the powder. Diatomaceous earth can be applied to both pets and the environment to control fleas. To apply diatomaceous earth to your pet, simply dust their fur with a fine layer of the powder, making sure to avoid their eyes, nose, and mouth.  Absorbing the national pesticide information center, "diatomaceous earth (DE) kills fleas by drying out their exoskeletons, and it's important to use food-grade DE for pets and around the house, while avoiding inhalation." We have detailed steps on how to do this below in the next section.


To treat your home for fleas, start by vacuuming thoroughly to remove any fleas, eggs, or larvae from carpets, rugs, and furniture. Next, apply diatomaceous earth to the affected areas, focusing on areas where your pet spends the most time. More steps are detailed below in the next section.


While diatomaceous earth begins to work immediately by dehydrating fleas upon contact, the time it takes to kill them may vary. In optimal conditions, fleas can be killed within hours to days after exposure to DE in a treated area. However, factors such as humidity levels and flea population density can influence the efficacy and speed of results.


Diatomaceous earth is a safe and effective alternative to chemical insecticides for controlling fleas. By following the tips and techniques outlined below in this guide, you can effectively manage flea infestations and keep your home and pets flea-free.  For more specific ideas on diatomaceous earth for fleas on dogs and diatomaceous earth for fleas on cats, please click those links to be directed to our articles about them.

How to Apply Diatomaceous Earth for Fleas


Fleas have this uncanny way to infiltrate your home and make life miserable.  Its hard enough watching a pet suffer from a flea infestation.  Flea bites can be itchy also but we have the remedy to stop the itch.  Many people ask us how to apply diatomaceous earth to kill fleas and please see below for those instructions!  Food grade diatomaceous earth or diatomaceous earth de is a natural substance that is an effective flea and pest control substance that can be used inside and outside your home. 


Using the fine powder will help you get rid of fleas.  When the flea eggs hatch, after an application, they will come into contact with this natural flea killer.  The razor sharp microscopic nature of the product will adhere to them and dehydrate them slowly.  How do we keep diatomaceous earth safe?  Just store it in a cool and dry area and make sure to seal up the container it is in.  Please see below for some easy steps on how to apply indoors and outdoors to combat fleas.


Diatomaceous Earth for fleas is an effective tool for ridding flea infestations in your home and on your pets.  This can even be applied outdoors to help cull their population in your yard.  In normal circumstances, a fleas infestation is taken care of in as little as 2 weeks.  In more severe cases where the infestation has been going on for months and months, it may require an additional week or two to solve the problem.  Once a fleas comes into contact with the powder, you simply have to allow the flea to move.  The more it moves, the more dehydrated it will get.



1.  Apply Diatomaceous Earth to the pet’s entire fur coat making sure to rub it down to the skin. Do this for a period of two weeks, every day.  Make sure not to miss the legs, belly, or hind quarters.


2.  During this two week period take the product and apply in a light and visible coat to pet bedding indoors, flooring around the bedding, rugs, and upholstery.  Essentially applying to areas of the home where your pet loves to be.  Leave for one week, clean with a vacuum,, and then reapply for the next week in the same fashion.  Be sure to clean out your vacuum after using it to clean.  This way dead fleas, eggs, and larvae can be disposed of and not reenter your home.


3.  Clean thoroughly indoors and see where you stand.  In most cases this eliminates the population and cuts off the gestational period.  We do understand that in some cases fleas can get out of hand and we ask if you still notice some to reapply for another week or two both to your pet indoors.



1. Apply Diatomaceous Earth, in the same fashion as in the indoor application steps, to your pet’s entire fur coat every couple of days to ensure a good preventative measure.


2. Apply Diatomaceous Earth also around the perimeter of kennels, cages, perimeter of your house and make sure it is light visible. BE sure to reapply to the perimeter and other areas if it rains.


3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 all summer to ensure the proper protection


4. (Optional) Florida is one of that states that has sand fleas and they are in huge numbers so some choose to apply to the entire lawn a few times to kill off a majority of the population. Mix 1/2 Lawn Sand & 1/2 Diatomaceous Earth in a fertilizer spreader to ensure the product falls correctly and evenly. Product is very fine so be sure not to open the spreader too much. Play with it to get the right application rate. Make sure the application is light and visible and re-apply after every rain.  This also works great to help control many different insects within your lawn including roaches, earwigs, flys, mosquitoes, chiggers, and many others!


(*Rule of Thumb…If it rains and you are unable to see the application it is time to re-apply). For example, try to apply to the lawn when you have a stretch of sunny and clear weather to avoid the product being washed away the next day if it rains.

What to Use With Diatomaceous Earth to Kill a Flea Infestation

There are very few items that you really need to get the job done.  For starters we recommend these two bundles below.  The crawling insect control diatomaceous earth shares the exact composition of the food grade de, but contains an EPA label to register it as a legal pesticide.  Without absorbing the us food drug administration, we are forced to ensure labeling requirements are followed as set forth by the governing bodies of the EPA and FDA.  Our JT Eaton Red Insecticide Duster works well to get the product in cracks and crevices and hard to reach areas.  The Diatomaceous Earth Dispenser helps you apply evenly without the worry of missing a spot, making the application too thick, or preventing an easy chore when you clean up diatomaceous earth.

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